For people who love being comfortable in their body..
Stay active, supple and lessen pain by moving 10 minutes a day
The Wellbeing Programme, is our proven method for attracting mobility, health and confidence into your life
WITHOUT having to keep up with lithe 20 year olds or stand on your head or strain in smelly gyms
You Value...
Your health, mental acuity, positive relationships, and you enjoy being active, but..
- You've started to go slower as knee, hip and back pain creep in
- You've noticed mental sluggishness, losing your train of thought
- You're frustrated because your body is slowing down
- You're sad, missing out on body boarding or walking with family / friends.
Course curriculum
Self-paced means you can choose to do just 5 or 10 minutes a day or the full 20 minutes. You can repeat a day for a few days then once comfortable move on to the next lesson.
Getting Around the Wellbeing Programme
Your Wellbeing Workbook/Journal
Welcome, Introduction & Preparation
Who we are
Programme Structure
When to Practice
Adaptability For Safe Practice
Accountability & FB Group
Equipment Needed
Wide Stance & Mat
Relaxation Blanket
Towel Folding for Safe Use
Wrist Pain or Issues
Kneeling Support
Lying Head Support
Sitting Upright on Floor
Balance using Chair
Squat / Kneel use Chair
Forward Bend & Leg-flicks use Chair
Dynamic Squat on Chair
Flexibility Assessment
Start Today with Earthing Sequence
Earthing Sequence Tutorial
Earthing Sequence Practice
Lesson 1.1 - Introduction
Lesson 1.2 Connective Sequence - Part 1
Lesson 1.3 Selfcare.
Lesson 2 - Micro Practice 2 - Spinal Wave
Lesson 2.1 How to Move
Lesson 2.2 Connective Sequence Part 2
Lesson 2.3 Yoga Space
Lesson 3 Micro Practice 1 - Arm Rotations
Lesson 3.1 Connective Sequence - Part 3
Lesson 3.2 Awareness
Lesson 3.3 Relaxation - part 1
Lesson 4.1 Connective Sequence - part 4
Lesson 4.2 Hands
Lesson 4.3 Micro Practices
Lesson 5.1 Connective Sequence - part 5
Lesson 5.2 Core - part 1
Lesson 5.3 Breathing
Lesson 6 - Connective Sequence - 20 minute, complete upper body

The Wellbeing Programme
- £147.00
- 189 lessons
- 23.5 hours of video content
- 5min Single Moves
- 10min Sequence Tutorials
- 5min Mindset Ideas
Get the Wellbeing Programme
Only £147 - Here's what you will get...
Get Rid of Aches & Pains
Is this YOU....'I want to get my body under control, have more health and energy, to enjoy life more than ever.'
Hi, We're Kari & Michael
If you don't know us already, we bring fun and joy into our yoga to encourage active people to live the best life they can with the healthiest, happiest body possible – We believe in easy and down-to-earth movement that gives confidence, strength and suppleness.
If you're struggling in any way with the effects of ageing, and are looking to establish a sustainable exercise routine in your own life to support your happiness and zest for life, now and for years to come, then we'd love to tell you more about our Wellbeing Programme – it's designed especially for you!
Let's make your life incredible, joyful with freedom in both body and mind!
What If...
You could feel like to break through your physical and energy level blockages.
Imagine what it will be like to gain more and more confidence in your body’s increasing strength and flexibility.
Imagine how you’ll feel when you optimise your own inherent ability to self-adjust - know what to do and when to do it, taking your body’s health to the next level.
Imagine how powerful your confidence in your body’s ability could be if you weren’t using up so much of your energy keeping your worry and uncertainty at bay.
Comprehensive yoga-based movement changed our life and we know it will change yours!
This programme is PERFECT for you if
You are an active person who loves life and want even more.
You struggle to to lift your knee high, to put it in your trouser leg and want to FIX this once and for all.
You want to create an EASY, daily movement routine that is fun and makes you feel GREAT but not waste any time or money.
Your body is NOT keeping up in your yoga class anymore but you're determined to keep doing yoga.
You are ready to become confident with what your body CAN DO and have less pain.
What students have to say...
“"I enjoyed the program and will continue using it, I have already started on week 1 again and am hoping to use it continually."”

“"I have much more energy and feel much more flexible. My back is straighter. I have less general aches and pains. Feeling more in control of my body."”

“"Thanks to Kari's expert tuition, delivered with unfailing good humour, compassion, boundless enthusiasm and constant encouragement, I’m looking after my body, and myself, properly, for the first time, probably ever – and I’m reaping multiple rewards."”

Is this going to take up lots of my time?
We have intentionally created this programme to offer maximum benefits in the least amount of time possible. You can choose to go at your own pace and choose when to move on to the next lesson. Your total time investment will be between 10 - 20 minutes per day if possible or a few times a week. It’s up to you to do the practice regularly as this is the key. NOTE: Frequently participants find that taking time to practise frees up time by enhancing their productivity.
What if I have an injury or health concern?
Enrol. This course will teach you how to adjust your movements and your mindset, improve your physical and mental self-awareness, and empower you on your healing journey. Practising effortless effort is just one aspect we explore, as well as how to develop a habituated practice that is adaptable and suits your body wherever it's at.
I’m not flexible or fit – can I still do the programme?
The programme is very gentle, aimed specifically at people going into their second 50 years of life. So whether you are unfit, never done exercise or fell off the bandwagon, you'll find your home here. We will progressively guide you to increase your flexibility, strength and mobility no matter where you are physically.
Is it a self-paced online course or is it more scheduled?
Both! Access the transformation portal, week 0 and companion workbook/journal the moment you enrol. You have lifetime access to explore the content, but this is not your typical “self-study” online course where you have no interaction or oversight.
How will I access the content?
When you enrol on the programme you'll receive an email with your username and password. Use the username and password to log in to your online teaching portal through our website. Inside, you'll be able to access all the material straight away. You'll also receive your invitation to join the private FB group so you can start meeting fellow participants.
"What astonished me was how quickly this total transformation took place!"
Lynn May